URGENT: Site hacked, need assitance with changing SQL access


I tried to get in touch with Live Support, but it is not responding (page not displayed in pop-up window).

My SQL Server was hacked, someone added / changed some records. I need to make changes fairly quickly. I'm not sure how they did it.

I'm thinking I should change both the username (or account) and password. I need to know how I can add an additional username and password, which will give me time to update my web pages, then I need to delete the hacked one.

Are there some additional precautions I can take to avoid having SQL Server, or the site, hacked?

Well, someone has hacked into my website once again (meaning, they've gotten access into Jodohost's server - Win5 in this case) and changed some URL's on my site. If they are getting into my site, they may very well be getting into other sites on the same server.

I would like to know how this person, or persons, can be tracked down? This is very serioius. One of my links went to a page that rebooted my computer. I don't know what it did before or since, although I am running Anti-Virus to see if anything was planted on my PC by the third party page.

Please advise what can be done ASAP.

Thank you.
I'd highly doubt they are getting in via the server. Please submit a ticket so we can check your sql and ftp logs

It could be a security hole in your code too

I just saw your ticket, the articles index is loading properly for me, are you sure you don't have that spyware or trojan on your local computer?

Edit: I have completed looking through everything on the server, it is all OK there, I think it must be something local, I would recommend:

Edit: I see that you had another reply after the last one I read stating you found where the problems happened, that is great, the other database needs a login created to work now :)
Sorry about the problems, sounds like some people are out to get you because of the content of the site, finding little holes in the software to wreak havoc.