VPN-like options for a reseller account?

I've got a CFMX site on a VPS box that I'd really like to move to my reseller account. However, the client requires interaction with a remote MySQL server (would be scripted queries from CF) as well as some remote file access stuff (FTP'ing images from a remote server) -- all of that thru a firewall run by an IT dept. that's very reluctant to open up ports or allow much of any sort of connectivity short of a full VPN.

I know I can't run a VPN client on a reseller account, but are there other options that could achieve the kind of authentication and connectivity that my client is after?
What kind of options are offered as possible by their IT dept?
Will they run allow a particular source IP to access these services on standard port?
Tanmaya, thx for responding. No, unfortunately they're refusing to go with an option that uses a static IP on my end for identification -- they claim someone could spoof the IP too easily. It's too bad, because that would make the whole thing so easy.

They seem to really insist on a VPN solution of some sort, so I may leave this client on my VPS and run a VPN client.
You should remind them that someone could just as easily hack their way into the system at the other end of a VPN connection and piggyback on the VPN. Yes, this is probably unrealistic, but always possible. Point is, if they want any connectivity with anything on the outside, they need to accept tiny risks (like opening up specific ports from one specific outside IP). Otherwise just live in their box alone.
jph, absolutely -- as far as I can tell, the risk factor is about the same, but the hoops I've got to jump thru to do it their way are substantially greater.

They would prefer nothing more than to shut their firewall tightly and let no-one in or out; this whole discussion is only being had because I've forced them to reluctantly provide some sort of access for select file transfers and db queries.