VPS Slowdown

it is working for me and sites that are on it are coming up. I am logging in to check yours.
it is slower than usual, but not all the way down, if this is the same issue that swsoft "fixed" I am not going to be too happy.
Thanks for your quick replies. If I am in any way adding any scripts, etc that are causing problems - please let me know asap so that I can address the issue. I wasn't sure if the problem was due to my routing to the site or the VPS itself or what. I just wanted you to have a heads up if the VPS was at issue.

Thanks so much. I will keep monitoring the forum to see what the issue is.
Basically we've had one customer who has got a trojan virus three times that has brought down the server to a standstill.

Yesterday we worked with SWSoft for almost an hour but it seems that customer keeps getting hit. We have temporarily stopped his account and Stephen will update you further
This is not your account, BTW.

I am calling them to see what we can do to prevent this in the future, but for now this one VPS is going to stay down until the user has a chance to backup data and we cna then reformat his VPS, it seems to be infested with worms and trojans.
I am so glad to know that it is not my account. It is also great to know that you care enough to contact the account owner to let them know about the situation and also allow time for the data to be backed up. A big thanks is in order.
It's happening again, however according to the announcements they know it's running slow :) But actually, in this case, no php scripts can run, they all timeout :)

Keep up the good work guys!
Yes, we announced it before it was terrible, but it got bad. We are having a hard time understanding how one process can use all 4 CPUs 100% which the CPU equal time limits we put in place.
Basically what this means is each user has a "cpu pieces" limit, and they are all equal, so anyone requesting to run a script, should be allowed to run it with equal share to everyone else.

However, SWsoft says some things can get around that, in this case it was a sql check tool, that I am trying to find now, without much success at the moment.
Just started again, and I caught it this time before it took down the server! So I know what VPS and all now.
I have it stopped, CPU now stuck at 25% usage while it figures out how to shutdown the vps, another lovely bug, but at least others will have 3 CPUs work of full power now!