Web15 frequent problems


Web15 is down at present. It has been up and down a number of times today, and it seems to become unresponsive at least once every day. No FTP at present, even. Is this going to be permanently resolved, or should I start moving sites away?
Web15 is stable now and we are continuously monitoring this server for better performance.
Looks like Web15 is back up, but anything using MySQL9 is down.
Spoke too soon! Web15 is down again...rats!
Also, attempts at Live Chat also crash - after entering the info on the Start Chat screen and clicking Start Chat the follow up screen does not load. I've got one open now that has been there for 6 minutes (no refresh attempts)
Looks like it must be SQL related abuse also - HTML sites are responding slowly, but anything SQL based is returning:
Parallels H-Sphere Error 500: Internal Server Error
Looks like it's back to Web15 - PHP issues?
Web15 HTML only sites are slow, but up.
Web15 with MySQL 8 or 9 are down
Web16 with MySQL 8 or 9 are up.
The issue is actually not web15, or the mysql servers directly, but a massive botnet is hitting multiple web servers all at once from mostly foreign ips to wrodpress comment sections with endless streams of POST attempts on many many domains, we are seeing it on a large amount of domains and lookign at their logs over 159 times a second (multipled by many domains, this adds up fast).

Sachin is working to get them set across the board to help, it is taking longer than he'd hoped :(
Win28 is showing signs of the exact same issue for the past few hours. http 500 Error
Hey now, get your own thread! Let them get Web15 worked out first!
I kid...

I don't know how long this is expected to go on, but if you have any access to your sites I would download the data and be prepared to setup on a different server.

I can't even FTP in or use PHPmyadmin to get a db backup....my phone battery is now dead from all the frantic calls!
Bunchadogs - I honestly wasn't trying to hijack your thread, but *if* W28 ends up coming back sooner than later I won't complain. ;)
It just seems like the issue is potentially more widespread than just W15. Gulp!
The servers ARE NOT down, that is the problem, is is that the DB powered sites are getting totally slammed with spamming comment botnet, with many many IP ranges. We're working out ways to get them blocked out without harming innocents, but it is very hard. The problem is since it is wordpress sites, they are DB powered, each post takes a MySQL connection, and makes a DB link, then making the legit requests fail.
Moving servers is NOT going to help at the moment because it is happening on many servers. That's what I meant by gotnet hitting many domains, it is many servers not just one being hit. It is like a spider for a search engine crawling around for places to issue massive POST requests, wp-login, comments, etc anywhere they can.
We are doing the blocking of wordpress logins like others have done now as this is a super major attack across the entire industry it seems.
We tested this on web10 and 17 first saw good results in connections being cut down and now working it on web15 as well, and will do so on any others impacted as well.