Websitepanel server having issue - RESOLVED


Windows Team
Staff member
We are working on websitepanel server is having I/O errors and we are checking it.
Re: Websitepanel server having issue

This is still being worked to resolution, as multiple copies of the backup images and the original media are not working properly giving errors. We are trying to source parts together for a complete restore.
Re: Websitepanel server having issue

There are a couple of people using websitepanel services for DNS, and due to that I am changing focus now, so changing goals now just to get that function back for them, and will get websitepanel up from a service level instead of system.
Re: Websitepanel server having issue

Have content that is required saved, and now working on the new server to bring live.
Re: Websitepanel server having issue

I am restoring the DNS zone records manually, most are back now.

I will then focus on websitepanel.

We will within the next week be making a 3rd DNS server that is a duplicate of the others, not controlled by websitepanel but updated when they update, this will service as a backup if such should ever happen again. An extra DNS server, is never a problem.