Which account does billing site get set up?

I am having a hard time figuring out how to get billing set up. Perhaps someone can point me to a step-by-step that I haven't been able to find on my own?

I have the 3 control panel accounts set up, one for my relationship with jodohost, one for my reseller account (that is my relationship with my customers), and one that hosts my service domain.

I want customers to be able to select a hosting plan from my service domain website, which will take the payment from PayPal's standard website payment interface. Then it can return back to my site to either automatically set up the customer or I'll moderate their signup.

Please help as the billing system and getting it to work with PayPal seem to be the last few things I have left to figure out before I can start taking customers.

I have read through the bulk of those, multiple times, but it is somewhat confusing. For me, it would help if there was some sort of document, separate from those, that stated something like this:

To set up hosting customer billing, you will want to do this:
Step 1, set up plan.
Step 2, if you want to have both monthly and yearly rates, do these steps to set up the yearly, and this is how it will work in the billing system.
Step 3, to get it to interact with PayPal's standard website payments, this is exactly what you do.

Essentially, just like the step-by-step reseller's guide.

And the item with the yearly amount is hard to figure out because I have usually set up yearly accounts of buy 10 months, get the last two months free. But the math doesn't quite work out and is a few pennies off.

Let me clarify what I need to know. I understand the monthly billing. I don't understand how to get yearly pricing set up properly. I have a yearly billing period set up in each of my plans, but am not sure what to put in the pricing field. I have a yearly price in mind, but can't figure out if I have to divide that by 12 to get the number to put in there, or if I can just put that yearly price in there.

I would also like to know if it bills up front for that yearly billing amount or not, which is what I would want it to do.
