WinVPS16 - rebooting often - checking on it and moving some VPS


US Operations
Staff member
We have noticed in the last 4 hours that winvps16 has rebooted the entire node several times. We have looked for any virus or trojan activity with no success. We are going to migrate 3-4 of the VPSes off to another node and see if it continues. The migrations performed will move all files and content live and not need anything but a couple pings down.

The errors are not showing any signs of hardware troubles, it looks more like software caused reboots.

We've insured all VPSes have a backup within the last 12 hours as well, and if they did not we forced one to be made.
We got all these VPSes moved over, and it seems the last VPS we moved over is making reboots.

As now the other node is rebooting but before this was not happening at all.