WinVPS19 instability due to a VPS ntfs errors - stabilized


US Operations
Staff member
We are working to do a chkdsk on this VPS to get it stable as soon as possible. one of the VPSes is just having 100's of errors making the node unstable.
Re: WinVPS19 instability due to a VPS ntfs errors

WinVPS19 is hopefully going to be more stable now, we have actually got 3 VPSes showing NTFS errors which is why it mounted up and made problems on the node.

We have taken all 3 of these VPSes down and doing chkdsk and scans on them before turning back on.

Other customers on WinVPS19 will be up and running, hopefully with no more interruption tonight, as we get these VPSes file systems NTFS cleaned up and back online.
One issue came up after getting all VPSes online and that was that 2 were having issues with the plesk install, in attempting to fix this I (personally) made a mistake in trying to restore the file links back for them, and not need to stop 5 VPSes to fix the issue, for those using plesk only.

VPS servers affected will be down between 10-20 minutes for this fix.