Writing To Files


using .net 2.0 C# and visual web developer express. Has anyone had success writing to files from the application? I seem to be having trouble with the trust level.
You can do file writes as long as it is in the same application directory, if you try to write outside the (domain.com) folder, it will, and should give errors.
So much for a separate data directory.. however, the App_Data directory should be protected from browsing by IIS.
I do have my stuff in App_Data. Still working the problem to no success. Jodo Support has directed me to:


but I don't really understand how a setting on my local machine has an effect on the Jodo servers since my application is compiled on their servers. If/when I get their settings working on my machine (looks like the directions aren't accurate) I expect it will just break things here. Then what am I going to do?
Hmm, I'd test, but atm when I try to download the ZIP file, I get a HTML file with "The JodoHost Forums database has encountered a problem." in it instead :(
Why arent the directions accurate? it is exactly what we do on each server.

just took some time to figure out exactly what needed to be changed and where...there aren't step by step directions...and also the link is broken.
I did not know that it was required to compile your application prior to deployment on the jodo servers but apparently that is the case. The reason I was having trouble is my application was being compiled on the web server when it was first called.
It is not required to compile, but maybe it was throwing some error during the compile(I have debugging off for obvious reasons), so you got it working precompiled?
It is not required to compile, but maybe it was throwing some error during the compile(I have debugging off for obvious reasons), so you got it working precompiled?

no I did not get it working on the Jodo servers in a precompiled state. After several conversations with support I was told that my application needs to run in medium trust and the only way it was going to do that was if it was compiled. The problem arose when trying to write to files.
are you using any external DLL files in /bin folder?

What "compiled for medium trust" really means is that they need allowpartiallytrustedcallers to be enabled.