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  1. Stephen

    We've got some servers not responding, due to Updates :(

    MSSQL had some delays coming up and had to check some databases, but all is working properly now.
  2. Stephen

    We've got some servers not responding, due to Updates :(

    Well we updated the core infrastructure to run on the latest Windows for windows (2016), and it doesn't seem to allow us to control the reboots for updates like it used to. It just allows a 'not busy hours' time to be set which is of course rather useless in a global business. We have found a...
  3. Stephen

    VPS Servers Migration in New Datacenter

    We've gotten one node moved except for one VM, and it is showing the RAID array has bad sectors and failing out. Going to have to do a raid recovery function on it.
  4. Stephen

    HVM21 Node rebooting for maintenance between 11pm-2am CST-- Completed

    HVM21 will be rebooted tonight between 11pm-2am for scheduled maintenance as backups there are hanging, making it unable to take them properly for migration purposes.
  5. Stephen

    Internal emails between internal Jodo host domains not recieved

    our live chat? It's used all hours of the day and night on main page, works really well!
  6. Stephen

    Now....unable to send EMail at ALL

    Have you tried putting in tickets directly in the billing panel? We set your rDNS etc as you had desired, so there should be even less of an issue in emails now.
  7. Stephen

    Editing Responses on Support Tickets.

    good idea, will see if there is any mod we can install that may allow this.
  8. Stephen

    Problems on Cluster 1 Web 17

    Yes the timestamp is wrong on forums, your issue was resolved after helpline mail. We've had to do the same fix on a couple more servers now. I'll work on the forum timestamp issue after the move is 100% complete (VPS now), it is of lower importance right now, but still important. That and...
  9. Stephen

    Web17 reboot for urgent maintenance

    Completed and the reported issues resolved.
  10. Stephen

    Web17 reboot for urgent maintenance

    We are correcting an issue on web17 that a user has reported, it requires a reboot. It is being done now.
  11. Stephen

    Maybe the FIRST site you moved to new DC should have been the Support site?

    Hans, We do provide support, we have provided many hours of support to you, this is just wrong. Sorry that some issue is taking longer that we'd like to answer, but there is a ton of support provided to you, above and beyond what is supposed to be provided as you don't even have a managed...
  12. Stephen

    Network Maintenance Window for Hsphere subnet moving to Dallas

    There was a rather major issue on the final move done, and it was not good, we got all up now and are checking on the final resolution.
  13. Stephen

    Network Maintenance Window for Hsphere subnet moving to Dallas

    Pings are working, mails are even coming in and we can connect to servers, but some websites are not loading, We're actively troubleshooting this matter.
  14. Stephen

    Network Maintenance Window for Hsphere subnet moving to Dallas

    We just moved the two subnets with most server base IPs, ping is working but seems not getting all content back in reply, so checking this on priority.
  15. Stephen

    Network Maintenance Window for Hsphere subnet moving to Dallas

    The BGP updates are going well now, we are moving each subnet individually and the BGP routes resolve/change over the minutes after.
  16. Stephen

    CP server and Mail server maintenance for final migration moves

    the Cluster1 Control panel is going down now for its final move. Once this is done we can make more IP announcement changes.
  17. Stephen

    Maybe the FIRST site you moved to new DC should have been the Support site?

    The support site has been moved for weeks Hans. We're finalizing the moves all today, there are some increase in issues due to this we are well aware and working to get it resolved ASAP. We've moved one subnet and seen an improvement already, but a lot of traffic still coming in via the Waco...
  18. Stephen

    Network Maintenance Window for Hsphere subnet moving to Dallas

    We have moved on subnet on 199.127.217.x now to Dallas for testing it out, without moving the rest yet.
  19. Stephen

    Migration Questions

    No IPs won't change, that is one core matter we didn't want to occur here.
  20. Stephen

    Network Maintenance Window for Hsphere subnet moving to Dallas

    Mail servers are still going live in Dallas, we do realize this is making for higher packetloss than we'd ever like to see normally, but we must make them live from Dallas prior to the BGP changes so that we can have them up and live when the routing changes hit. As soon as the last mail...