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    password prompts

    its the usual Outlook password prompts, with an error every now and again in the tasks windows. seems fine at the moment, so i cant paste an error. seems to have been happening since yesterday, on domains based on mail1.
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    password prompts

    i have been getting a lot of password prompts today on all of my Jodo accounts. anything up?
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    Hi Tanmaya thanks. just to clarify - the client is NOT being hosted with Jodo they have 3rd party hosting & mailing services. they were mailing me (on my Jodo hosted email)
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    some clients of mine got this bounce message when mailing me on Friday - < ***@*****.com>: Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1) I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long. any idea what the story is? thanks
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    New WebMail Interface

    I'd like to repeat the comment that all current email interfaces (, and the 3 options available there) should be kept intact. All my customers know how to access their webmail that way, and it would be a majot pain in the *ss to start teaching old dogs new tricks, if you know what...
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    Trouble sending email

    especially as it seems that the large majority on mail1 are suffering because of a very small minority of hogs...
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    seeting up mail services on server

    Thanks for the info, Stephen, i appreciate it.
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    seeting up mail services on server

    Thanks Stephen. Whats the procedure for setting up the rDNS and HELO? and does one have to have a domain set for this, or can it be done with IP only?
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    seeting up mail services on server

    this question relates to a dedicated server that a client has, not with Jodo, thats why this is in a non-support forum. any help appreciated. we need to have email notifications sent from the server (Win 2003, SP1), and i have just activated the "mail services", and i see it created a...
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    Trouble sending email

    same here. still getting popups on Outlook for user/pass info everynow and again. also on mail1.
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    Tut: How to add embedded images in CDO mail

    This is great Antic, thanks. i have been wanting to look into this for a while
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    removing web services

    great, found it. thanks
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    removing web services

    hi i have a client who want to only have mail services - no web. is there a way to cancel his web services thru his CP, or do i have to create a new mail-only plan and move him there? (and if so - is there a way to not have to move his email accounts over?) Thanks
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    new quota - thumbs up

    i have a reseller account too, but one of my customers is still on a shared account - and we just got the new quotas today - simply amazing. and this is in no way "compensation" for anything - things have been pleasantly smooth here (thank god!!) for a good period. thumbs up!
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    flv mime type

    can we have the FLV mime type added to all our sites by default? every time i put an flv up, i forget that i have to first add the mime type in the CP.... thanks...
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    Looking for strategies on lowering spam received

    Thanks Mano, Outlook integration is very important to me
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    Looking for strategies on lowering spam received

    an interesting one, thanks. i guess i am just surprised at the large communatitive and cooperative online community - who so often gopes to such great lengths to develop open-source, free-ware applications and just any old online help - and there - its as though there is nothing we can do...
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    Looking for strategies on lowering spam received

    understood. but you shouldnt have to right? i mean, as the guy who started this thread, i am looking for strategies to lower spam [and any input from Jodo admins is always appreciated] - and i while spam IS a fact of life, i dont think that we should just shrug our shoulders, accept it and...
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    Looking for strategies on lowering spam received

    my ISP mail is indeed getting worse in terms of spam, but its not even close to all my Jodo-based email addresses
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    Looking for strategies on lowering spam received

    i disagree - how do other providers manage to filter the spam so well?