Search results

  1. J

    How long are webalizer stats retained?

    i don't think so since they are stored in your web space and take disk space out of your own allocation. I believe it's up to you to clean them out on your own.
  2. J

    photo rating

    may I make a couple suggestions. Try running your site at a higher resolution (my res's are 1680x1050 and 1600x1200, both are messed up). Also, take off the stretching of the images, it makes the people look scary. You'd be better off checking the height and width of the image and then...
  3. J

    Why isn't AspInet installed?

    wotech, you can always install one of these to scan for all objects to see what's installed: shouldn't take more than a few minutes to do.
  4. J

    anyone using Linkpoint?

    well in that case, if you'd like to go that route snooper, let me know and I can send you what I have.
  5. J

    anyone using Linkpoint?

    looks like I used the API: Set order = Server.CreateObject("LpiCom_6_0.LPOrderPart") Set op = Server.CreateObject("LpiCom_6_0.LPOrderPart") which probably wouldn't work here at jodo considering you'd need a dll installed. Actually when I did this, the client had a cart they...
  6. J

    Spam Assassin Problems

    I'm hoping individual mailbox settings override the global one because that's where I set the whitelist.
  7. J

    Spam Assassin Problems

    I'm having an issue with email being marked as spam that is coming from addresses that I have on my whitelist. I have one friend who's email is always marked as spam no matter what and his address in on my whitelist. Is there any reason this would happen?
  8. J

    anyone using Linkpoint?

    I have done this and I can confirm that their system sucks. I did this for a client that has their site hosted elsewhere, but I'll dig up the code tomorrow for you. there are a lot of linkpoint files that have to be included and I think I'm actually referencing a dll that's installed on the...
  9. J

    Annoying Adware

    ever since I stopped using IE, I don't have to use anti-spyware software. You just don't get it with Firefox, though Hijack this will never miss anything as long as the user knows what he/she is doing, since all it does is report everything. It's up to the user to know what needs to be...
  10. J

    Annoying Adware

    You've got a lot of crap running on your system. it's gotta be sluggish as hell. step 1, stop using internet explorer completely. step 2, open up the task manager and stop all processes that shouldn't be running. If spyware is currently in memory, you can remove it all you want, but it will...
  11. J

    ASPjpg version?

    awesome, I know that they aspjpeg has lots of changes with every minor revision. Most hosts have stuck with the 'we're keeping what we have' line. I never even asked here because I thought it was pointless.
  12. J

    spam check change?

    I've noticed the same thing. I've had to go into my control panel and add a ton of email addresses to my whitelist. My settings are pretty relaxed, yet my friends emails are being marked as spam and they are in plain text and include no links.
  13. J

    SQL Server 2005 & VS.Net 2005 now available for MSDN subscribers.

    it is definitely a big difference. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. After the first beta, I was not happy with it at all. I'm just now getting the final version installed and expect it will be at least next summer before I even start thinking about moving anything over to it. This is...
  14. J

    Path to .mdb file outside document root

    Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & server.mappath("../db.mdb") & ";" or you can just use the fully qualified location of the database (ie: d:\websites\db.mdb)
  15. J

    SQL Server 2005 & VS.Net 2005 now available for MSDN subscribers.

    looks like they reorganized the content again. Now they only have the dvd images for VS and SQL, which is much better than the multiple cd images. Their site is working great this morning. I'm getting more than 600kb/s download from them.
  16. J

    SQL Server 2005 & VS.Net 2005 now available for MSDN subscribers.

    they were put online today. for those who have msdn accounts, you can now download the final releases even though they aren't available until the 7th. MSDN may be getting hammered right now as I'm having difficulty getting my copies.
  17. J

    Smarter Stats

    it looks like smarterstats would cost jodo anywhere from $600 to $10k depending how they supported this and that doesn't account the fact that Hsphere would have to support it first. What's wrong with the graphic charts of webalizer and awstats? I find both of them very easy to understand.
  18. J

    What is Enterprise Manager?

    there are lots of free web based tools you and your clients can use. Enterprise Managers is a thick client (ie runs on your machine not through a web browser) and it tons more powerful than any web based management tool including phpmyadmin. Here's some list of database management tools you...
  19. J

    Graphics, Images, Logos, etc. is a bit more reasonable for graphics. They have a really cool search engine that lets you search by color that I really like.
  20. J

    How can I stop IE from limiting no. of chars in textarea?

    woops i didn't see the second page to this thread as someone else already mentioned this as the problem. You don't have either post or get defined in the form tag, therefore it's using get. woops, looks like you just changed it. it's posting now. I just submitted a bit of text with 2004...