dns's ip is old 64.x.x.x !!!

Hi, I dont know about other resellers, but some posts here, that I have seen around recently dont help resellers maintain their annonomity. Well, at least try to. Posts containing IP's nameservers etc etc. Like in the pictures here.

I know that most resellers would like to keep as much annonmous as they can. So maybe there should be a bit more control over what people can post about these matters. Some people may not care about it, but I know some do, and that should be respected.

Maybe there should be clearer rules on it. Or maybe a Customer only private forum. Where if such matters need to be discussed, then only paying customers of Jodo can use it. Also, that is not indexed my google. Maybe there are other solutions.

Thanks for reading anyway. Sorry if Im off track.
Actually, if it is alright to everyone I can delete this topic, as I think the issue has been resolved. I am not trying to hide anything, except reseller info, and only if the topic starters says it is OK.