Emails from web sites stopped working

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Emails from all of my websites have suddenly all stopped working.

I've put in extensive bug-trapping and reporting stuff (all in to see what the problem is. But, as far as the sites are concerned, all the emails are being sent. I raised a ticket a couple of hours ago but no reply - it's not even showing up in the system.

I suspect there must be a snag with the mail servers but JoDo haven't told us yet - maybe connected to some upgrades they are working on.

I faxed in the Mass Email form last week and my sites are supposed to have been uncapped.

I'd be very gratefull if someone could check what's going on for me as it really is a major pain. X(
I'm having the same problem on all my oscommerce installs. I tested everything and it's pointing towards an PHP problem. Not surprising since they upgraded PHP last night.

I emailed support since their ticket system is down, and I am hoping they fix this problem soon.
I've just recieved an email from the forum saying someone (Case) had replied to my thread about the helpdesk not working. This was the header of the email
Return-Path: <>
Received: (qmail 19499 invoked by uid 399); 26 Jul 2005 19:50:05 -0000
X-Virus-Scan: Scanned by clamdmail 0.15 (no viruses);
Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:50:05 -0400
Received: from ns2.m**** (HELO mail2.m**** (
by mail.m**** with SMTP; 26 Jul 2005 19:50:05 -0000
Received: (qmail 22614 invoked by uid 398); 26 Jul 2005 19:50:05 -0000
Date: 26 Jul 2005 19:50:05 -0000
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Reply to post 'JoDo Helpdesk not working'
X-PHP-Script: for
From: "JodoHost Forums Mailer" <>
Message-ID: <>
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.4 (2005-06-05) on localhost
X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=disabled

So, their mail server is working - why aren't mine ??

The worse things about all this are:

1. Being in the dark about what the snag is
2. Being really frustrated since email is 100% vital for the websites.
3. The JoDo helpdesk is down too!

Does anyone know of another company who offer reliable email that we could relay through or something???

JoDo is very cheap, but I think I'd rather pay more for a service which works without me having to worry about it all the time.
One way or the other the mail server is working, - I tested for that when I was trying to figure out what was wrong.

Scripts are not, and they upgraded last night which hints stronly towards something in the upgrade being at fault for the current email problem (all my sites sent email last night pre-upgrade, and do not now, post upgrade).

I don't know if they upgraded perl, but I know they changed PHP. I'm sure that all the email problems are related to the upgrade and not the mail server.

The new H-Sphere looks great though, so hopefully they'll get this problem worked out ASPAP so we can all enjoy it.
Yes, I think you are right. Maybe soon all will be sweetness and light again. They (JoDo) do seem to be on the ball most of the time, so I think I'll adopt a Zen position i.e. shrug it off, go and have a nice cup of tea and watch the grass grow for a while to calm down!
Any chance of a word on this from Jodo? Is this affecting all the machines or just a couple of them? Are the emails being lost or queued up somewhere?
Ok, I have tried submitting tickets but I just get the error Cannot connect to localhost on the cerebus page that says a ticket has been made. The tickets don't show up in my history. Time to try live chat I suppose........
Result! The magical Maheep has sorted out the problems with the helpdesk and the email on web2. Not sure what he did, but it is all working now (for me at least). Is it working for you guys? Shame it took so many hours to sort out, I am not sure whether the missing email will resurface or not?
Everyone, we have live chat on the main page, go to it, and look up at the top right.

Sometimes there are issues, and it seems something happened with the web email config(I will try to get technical details and reply, or have someone else reply).

But in cases like that, live support will get this resolved much faster.
there has een some issues today,

trhe issue with ticket support but alo i tried 5 times on livehelp with no reply. and this was over a spaace of an hour at least and the last one 2 hours after the first.

was starting to wonder if something happened
Maheep just told me that the issue was mail was spooling instead of sending, and then quit spooling and was giving errors, he got the spool sending, and the problem resolved.

Edit: I have been off today, as I worked all night on the upgrades and some customers servers, I did not know of live support/connectivity issues, until now.
Instead of putting this in multiple posts, why don't you try live-chat and get it fixed rightaway (whatever the reason behind it).
There were 2 issues:

1. Email not working
2. Helpdesk not working

They somehow ended up in each others threads, which was not the intention.

How does one access this Live Chat ?
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