Installing Web Wiz Forums (WWF) SQL Server Edition.
To stop getting permission denied errors when installing WWF follow these simple steps.
1. Create your MSSQL database from the control panel.
2. Select a login for this database.
3. In the WWF file msSQL_server_setup.asp replace every instance of dbo with your login name
'*** Create the tables *****
'Create the Category Table
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE [dbo].[" & strDbTable & "Category] ("
strSQL = strSQL & "[Cat_ID] [smallint] IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED NOT NULL ,"
strSQL = strSQL & "[Cat_name] [nvarchar] (60) NOT NULL ,"
strSQL = strSQL & "[Cat_order] [smallint] NOT NULL DEFAULT (1) "
strSQL = strSQL & ") ON [PRIMARY]"
change every [dbo] in the file to [myloginname]
Upload all the files as per the WWF instructions.
To stop getting permission denied errors when installing WWF follow these simple steps.
1. Create your MSSQL database from the control panel.
2. Select a login for this database.
3. In the WWF file msSQL_server_setup.asp replace every instance of dbo with your login name
'*** Create the tables *****
'Create the Category Table
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE [dbo].[" & strDbTable & "Category] ("
strSQL = strSQL & "[Cat_ID] [smallint] IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED NOT NULL ,"
strSQL = strSQL & "[Cat_name] [nvarchar] (60) NOT NULL ,"
strSQL = strSQL & "[Cat_order] [smallint] NOT NULL DEFAULT (1) "
strSQL = strSQL & ") ON [PRIMARY]"
change every [dbo] in the file to [myloginname]
Upload all the files as per the WWF instructions.