Jan 18-21 Windows server reboots thread

Win10 is on reboot 1 now.

win7 will be rebooting again as well, but not quite yet. All services are UP on these servers for the times except reboots.
Win7 IIS is down for a moment due to ASPNET for about 2-5 minutes and then will be rebooting in the next 15 minutes.
Win7 IIS is down a bit longer than expected but we are going to let the installer continue as it is working and doing tasks.

Win10 will be restarting IIS in a moment for ASP.NET install on it as well.

edit: 12:59am, iis is up on win7 installer is nearing complete.
Win7 is rebooted and all up WITH ASP.NET 2 and 3.5

Win10 will be rebooting within the next 25 minutes from now.

Win10 is going to be rebooted for the last time in about 2 minutes.

Win11 and 12 will be done next.
Win12 had been upgraded to ASP.NET 2.0/3.5 and just coming back up from reboot 2.

Win14 will have a reboot as soon as the updates are done.
Win14 is being rebooted for its final reboot now.

And it is now back up along with all services and ASP.NET 3.5

We are done with updates for the night and need to note that again in summary.

Win11 does not have ASP.NET 2.0/3.5
Win13 has 2.0 but not 3.5

Win2/6/7/9/10/12/14 now all have 2.0 and 3.5 ASP.NET available.