Web16 having PHP issues?

Web16 has been either REALLY slow or not responding at all to PHP - HTML seems fine.

I almost submitted a ticket several times, but most of the time it pops back up. I did finally submit a ticket this time because it's been down for quite a while this time.

I don't see anything in the logs either...

Control panel, FTP, and even HTML files all seem fine...
Now if only I could get that kind of help and response out of Charter Communications for my internet connections...
Web16 is quite stable and performing well for the last couple of hours, however this server is still being monitored closely.
Web16 is fine now. If you are still having issues then please open support ticket with the domain name. We will investigate the issue and do the needful.
same problem for me.
Error 500: Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The problem is on the server side, not with your browser or the address. Most probably, a certain service (e.g., Tomcat engine) is down. Please contact your webmaster.

I opened a ticket: GNU-53761-844
Lots of issues again this morning.

Could someone please elaborate on the cause?
This is obviously a recurring issue - it there is an abuse problem please let us know so we can move critical PHP based sites to a different server.

We appreciate that you can fix the issue quickly, and it does seem to get solved as soon as we open a ticket, but that's not a reliable solution.

Thanks in advance!
There is an alert checks every min and we are also watching manually, we saw and fixed immediate. It is not waiting until ticket even, but well before ticket.
Not sure if you're still tracking the issues with this server:
12:02 PM - Error 500: Internal Server Error
12:04 PM - Error 500: Internal Server Error
12:06 PM - Error 500: Internal Server Error
12:08 PM - Error 500: Internal Server Error
12:10 PM - Normal again

Not sure if it started earlier, I just happened to start working on it at 12:02
It was fixed immediately as we got the alert. However, we are looking into the issue and monitoring it closely.
OK, right this second, I'm getting 500 errors on: http://jclandscaping.fp155.focalpointhosting.com/

The problem is, if I open a ticket, by the time I get a response, the problem has resolved and the reply I get is: everything is working fine now, please check.

I'm concerned about this: most of the new signups I'm adding are on web16, and I am consistently having trouble with these sites. I would love to hear what the situation is on this server.
There are many reasons for this error.Kindly enable error log to see the exact error behind this.
We have already added a new web server "web17" on this cluster, so you can create a new linux account, all new signups will go to "web17".
Web16 has been down for quite a while now...

At least this time the error log shows error messages!

[Thu Jun 28 13:23:58 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec)
[Thu Jun 28 13:23:58 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php"
[Thu Jun 28 13:25:13 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec)
[Thu Jun 28 13:25:13 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php"
[Thu Jun 28 13:25:16 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec)
[Thu Jun 28 13:25:16 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php"
[Thu Jun 28 14:01:21 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec)
[Thu Jun 28 14:01:21 2012] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/hsphere/shared/php5/bin/php"
Can you give me a ticket#, or any domain we can check?
Also, we are working on a non-Hsphere fix for this on priority.
PHP on web16 was down 4 times in the last 24 hours, for 5-15 minutes at a time, which isn't really unusual for this server... is a fix likely soon? This situation has been going on for months now.
Please open a support ticket mentioning domain name.We are trying our best to fix it's issue but we didn't get success to find the exact cause yet.
Seems to be getting worse rather than better. Perhaps now is the time to move all sites off to the new server?

I hate to go through all that hassle if there is a fix soon...
How cumbersome is moving a site? Will e-mail and MySQL be affected?