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  1. Y

    What's all this Spam?

    this email will be going out to customers shortly:
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    SpamHaus blocking two subnets

    Both IP blocks were unlisted this morning. We once again apologise for the issue
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    SpamHaus blocking two subnets

    Dated: Nov 13th, 2006 SpamHaus is blocking two /24 IP blocks that belong to us (about 500 of our 4000+ ips), once again because of spam reports originating from outside our IP range. We are taking this issue up with spamhaus and with the IP owners of the range responsible for the spam. We...
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    No response to cancellation request.

    There seems to be an issue with our account cancellation script. I'll look into this. Please email billing #@# and I'll ensure its handled
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    Spamhaus issue - resolved

    Re: Spamhaus issue on most servers except mail1,3,4 We expect SpamHaus to unlist our blocks of IPs this evening. We are basically going through a long process of correspondence with them, which is their policy before unlisting IPs. We are trying to speed this up. We apologise for this issue...
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    Mail problem

    that's unrelated to this issue. SpamHAUS shold unlist that IP shortly. Please read this:
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    What's all this Spam? Good read. Spam levels are soaring across the board. We are working to improve our spam filters (and this is taking time), but I'm posting this article so customers know its not that we are selling customer emails to spammers (as a...
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    Spamhaus issue - resolved

    Re: Spamhaus issue on most servers except mail1,3,4 Mail5 is no longer listed. None of our mail email servers are listed by spamhaus at this moment. There are a # of web servers, and we are working with spamhaus to get this resolved ASAP. Normally, this shouldn't be an issue since most web...
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    Spamhaus issue - resolved

    Re: Spamhaus issue on most servers except mail1,3,4 Mail1, Mail3, Mail4 are not blacklisted by spamhaus Mail5 is. we are setting up a IP on a different block and will change the outgoing IP shortly We apologise for the issue. The whole /20 has been listed due to spam coming from IPs not...
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    Email Difficulty

    This is the first time I've seen a reject like this :)
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    Form not being processed anymore!

    You'll need to submit a ticket so we can check. Hard to say. is your script using smtp auth?
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    Php 5?!

    Once again, we plan to introduce PHP5 once we upgrade to Hsphere 2.5 2.5 has some bugs that we are waiting to be ironed out. I can't give a time frame, but the wait shouldn't be too long.
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    Additional questions at time of VPS signup?

    VPS, especially if you are running alot of things on the base account can have low memory issues, and can require fine tuning. Hence your initial problems. That said, it isn't the norm. We are working on more documentation, we are working on making VPS an easy viable solution for our...
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    HSphere Update

    We have 17,000 end-users on HSphere. It's not easy. And HSphere is really the only true multi-platform clustered hosting solution.
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    HSphere Update

    I totally understand that we are losing some clients because we are not able to support PHP 5 currently. But really, we are heading to a virtual disaster if we do an HSphere upgrade. As stephen suggested, we are looking at so many problems that we'll be overwhelmed. I as well as Stephen are...
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    Suggestions for handling tickets

    I can say with certainty that this is never the case. A support rep never forgets about any on hold chat. The software keeps notifying/blinking when there is a chat or you say something and the rep hasn't replied. And we have asked the team to tell customers to please be on hold, when they are...
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    Suggestions for handling tickets

    BalearicJobs, everything that has been said in this thread has been indeed noted down, and trust me we are going to discuss it in an internal meeting with the staff. I am just stating our present situation. I am not saying what we are doing is correct, or how we are handling tickets or chat...
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    Suggestions for handling tickets

    That happens either because the support rep is looking into multiple chats or is busy. Never on live chat would the support operator be handling just you, and hence sometimes you need to wait. Depending on the nature of the issue, you may have to wait between 5 to 15 minutes Thats why I...
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    Mail1 Issue: urgent maintenace

    Webmail was fixed a while ago. Mail1 is operating from a new server and new hardware as of 4 hours ago
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    No new emails - can't log into CP

    We migrated mail1 from an old server to a new server. An email will be sent out regarding this shortly That is why you received yesterday's email again. One last sync will be done from old server to new server. So any email that was left behind will come in, within the next 60 minutes