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  1. MAKhosting

    Reseller IP change - time frame? problems?

    shwew, that was a close one. :tongue:
  2. MAKhosting

    incoming/outgoing mail server -client has error

    Searching for A record for at Got referral to E.GTLD-SERVERS.NET. [took 214 ms] Searching for A record for at E.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.: Got referral to [took 101 ms] Searching for A record for at...
  3. MAKhosting

    incoming/outgoing mail server -client has error

    I am having the same issues. outlook cant find the servers for all of my domains hosted on jodo servers. I have not received any complaints from customers so I believe it is specific to my service domain. will let you know if i can find anything. :D
  4. MAKhosting

    IE secure/nonsecure message.

    yes, you must have ssl enabled on the site that hosts your image. otherwise it will continue to notify users that there are non-secure items on that page. enable ssl or shared ssl on your site in the cpanel and then try it. :D
  5. MAKhosting

    SMTP problem

    Same here. pop3 emails not being received in outlook. along with many other problems that i have submitted tickets for. read on... Can you login to my cpanel and help me asap! I have clients breathing down my neck and I am so stressed out I could die! My hosting site is messed up, my...
  6. MAKhosting

    Billing period services.

    ok, markey hit it on the head. her account had been activated already and thus the system pro-rated the charge. I guess that's cool, but I was hoping it would just add the $30.00 charge since the service was $30.00. but if it is included in the monthly payments and it started a day into it, I...
  7. MAKhosting

    Billing period services.

    Yes. That is what i did. I added the $30.00 charge as a service in the billing period to be charged monthly. but it is $29.18 in the invoice. not $30.00. please login and have a look. I opened a support ticket about this. refer to that ticket.
  8. MAKhosting

    Not receving support tickets

    Yash, I opened a ticket a few hours ago. will open another just incase.
  9. MAKhosting

    Billing period services.

    I have a customer signed up and she has purchased a monthly maintenance package from me. I charged her $30.00/mo to maintain her site for her. I added this $30.00/mo charge as a Billing period based debit on her invoice. when I went to review her account invoice information, it said that the...
  10. MAKhosting Live!

    thanks sub :D
  11. MAKhosting

    Not receving support tickets

    Hey, been a few days now. Any suggestions on why i am not receiving support tickets? Support was supposed to look into this for me but no response as of yet. please check it out for me. Thanks.
  12. MAKhosting Live!

    Wow. It's been weeks and no one has posted here to review my site? hmm... :(
  13. MAKhosting

    How do I sign up user for discounted rate?

    Hey, been a few days now. Any suggestions on why i am not receiving support tickets?
  14. MAKhosting

    Need public FTP

    yes marky. I have replied. thanks!
  15. MAKhosting

    Need public FTP

    Thanks Markey, but it says that you can add a virtual ftp account allowing sub-ftp in windows. In the docs, it says ftp-bub accounts (for unix only) and then below it it says, virtual ftp accounts but doesnt specify for unix, so i fugure it is for windows as an alternative. I need a windows...
  16. MAKhosting

    Need public FTP

    Internal Error, Tech Support Was Notified Can anything just work in this darn cpanel?? really? I have clients breathing down my neck! I just want to make this work. I followed all the directions and nothing!
  17. MAKhosting

    Need public FTP

    Ok, I have read the documentation more... I converted to a dedicated IP like asked. and the documentation has all these options that my cpanel does not. I am very frustrated! I only have ONE ftp account and that is mine. there is no options to add accounts like the...
  18. MAKhosting

    Need public FTP

    Hey, I have a client needing to send large files. I need to create an FTP account for her to upload to a directory on I cannot find out how in the cpanel. On my old hosting cpanel. I sould just click add user and fill in the forms and it was done. how do I do it in...
  19. MAKhosting

    Another MAKhost issue. lol

    Yash, Well, this one was my errogance. I had php turned off in the cpanel and thought it was not working because permissions werent set, but after you said they are by default, I had to look further and noticed that php for that account was not on. I thought by default php was activated...
  20. MAKhosting

    Instant access not working.

    I entered client cpanel and went to web options and turned instant alias off then back on a few times. nothing changed. The IA does not work. It is not a problem anymore because the dns has propogated and the site is live, but for future... I guess it would've been nice to know what...