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  1. E

    Vista sucks!

    well I bought a new toshiba laptop P105-S6177 it brings vista on it no other way around it.. I never looked to see if it supported XP and it does not!! anyone have experience with these sort of issues it looks like toshiba will not be releasing any xp drivers.. oh boy .. :(
  2. E

    anti virus

    what anti virus software is preinstalled if any ? If not what would you recomend hopefully free :)
  3. E

    webmail acting funky

    Does horde look all messed up when you guys use it? seems to have happend as soon as we had the problem today.
  4. E

    python scripts?

    ok im confused I just got info from sales saying we do. if so what version? Hi, Yes on Linux Servers - Regards Biswas - JodoHost Sales Department
  5. E

    python scripts?

    can we run these here?
  6. E

    web mail slow

    i have been trying to log on to DW mail all day today and no success. Horde has been terribly slow, could not download attachments I get a blank page. also it logs me out every once in a while.
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    web mail slow

    I was not able to use webmail this weekend. I did use horde yesterday during the day had 1 time out. I will try DW mail today. cheers.
  8. E

    dw mail problem

    same mail every time. I open in horde and no problem.
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    dw mail problem

    also having troubles login in it just stays in: Thank you for logging in, [email protected]. Please wait whilst we check your login details and fetch your email Click here if your browser does not respond after more than 30 seconds.
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    dw mail problem

    I really love the DW mail option. however in some cases when I check an email i will just get a blank page. don't know if this is happenign to others.
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    web mail slow

    I use webmail most of my day. I have tried horde dw and all the systems in place are very slow. I have not said anythign in a while in regards to this issue but today it has just been terrible. I am on a 20mbps pipe and this is the only client where I have problems. I also see a delay...
  12. E

    What's about Webmail?

    ok, what happened to my client is they tried to use squirrel and got the dw problem. no big deal as I told them to use horde soon jodo will fix this and all will be ok
  13. E

    What's about Webmail?

    for some reason my clients get edirected to dwmail trying to get a screen sho as I dont get redirected.
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    What's about Webmail?

    Accessing webmail via the Control Panel and via will be deactivated. A timeframe for this would be announced. ??? this was not announced. my clients complain that the yaccess and its not work.
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    554 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)

    is this for sending only or receiving also ? thanks
  16. E

    New WebMail Interface

    I also just tested dw mail I like it but not sure about the security patches. I really love horde but this DW mail install worked very very fast compared to horde I currently use. good to have options but I am really waiting for the horde install.
  17. E

    New WebMail Interface

    My clients use horde and squirrel from what I know of. Some use it and they have contacts and info saved on there. what will happen to that ? will we lose it? thanks
  18. E

    Live Streaming

    there are soemn streaming places online like i used them for audio and worked great! cheers
  19. E

    How not to get Spamcoped

    I am actually looking for someone that can embed phplist to the site. if anyone is intrested let me know..
  20. E

    How not to get Spamcoped

    looking at phplist looks nice.. and its free