Search results

  1. thdrought

    Custom Signup with XML API

    Yes, you can do a lot with the new XML API. I am looking forward to getting away from the built-in signup forms that H-Sphere provides. They may be helpful for some, but I don't like the flow of the form, and the wording it uses. For example, if you want to provide an extra billing option...
  2. thdrought

    Another Christmas Idea

    I was on a different H-Sphere reseller before moving to JodoHost. I was not able to do what I needed to do with the old reseller. Yash was able to get me going with what I needed quickly. Thanks Yash. One of the features that I did have at the old reseller was the ability to get Urchin...
  3. thdrought

    HSphere Add-On Christmas List

    I emailed the H-Sphere Packages company concerning this. Here's what they had to say... "The package will not allow a user to mark the account for cancellation if they have a balance owed." I think it should mark it, show the customer the balance due, bill it, then cancel. Wonder why...
  4. thdrought

    HSphere Add-On Christmas List

    Hello All, I know it's only October (at the time of this writing), but I thought it is never too early to tell Santa (a.k.a. JodoHost) what I'd like for Christmas. Thought it would be a nice touch to add this customization to our H-Sphere Control Panels: H-Sphere Cancellations An...
  5. thdrought

    Sending Emails From LocalHost

    Hello All, I am having a problem sending emails within a Perl script through LocalHost. When I setup the TO address to an email account off the servers, for example my Hotmail account, everything works fine. When I set an email account that resides on my reseller account, in any domain, I...
  6. thdrought

    Custom Signup with XML API

    I will definately do that. Have been looking into it for a few days now. Until I get my scripting started, more information can be found at I will keep you posted on my results. thdrought
  7. thdrought

    Custom Signup with XML API

    Hello all, This is my first post on this forum. Just signed up with an account this morning. I was wondering if the patches are applied to HSphere allowing us to make a custom signup script with the XML API? Also, anyone do it? I want to integrate a script on my site, probably in Perl...