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  1. R

    ticket status dead

    Stephen, No probs. :)
  2. R

    ticket status dead

    DIK-99675-406 I will also log another ticket saying the same as the above. edit: ticket logged as AIK-56900-594
  3. R

    ticket status dead

    I logged a ticket to get my domains .NET 2.0 enabled. After a while the ticket dissapears from the open ticket history and does not then appear in the closed ticket history. When directly viewing my ticket request, the status has been changed to "dead" with no other comment. I do not get...
  4. R

    DBD::mysql Module

    Any chance this can also be installed on win5 also? as well as this module: Image::Magick Your server does not have Image::Magick installed, or Image::Magick requires another module that is not installed. Image::Magick is optional; It is needed if you would like to be able to create...
  5. R

    ASP.Net: Which mail component on Jodohost?

    if you are using .Net you can just use System.Web.Mail not sure what other mail components are installed...
  6. R

    Enterprise Manager +

    if you have enterprize manager then you should also have the query analyzer... examples taken from the query analyzer helpfile: INSERT INTO MyTable (PriKey, Description) VALUES (123, 'A description of part 123.') UPDATE authors SET au_fname = 'Fred' WHERE au_lname = 'White'...
  7. R

    Is ther a bug with IE6

    Have you tried clearing your browser cache? Whats the url? we could check to see if it happens on our pc's also?
  8. R

    Enterprise Manager +

    all of this can be done via sql query analyzer... For a web based Enterprize manager have you looked at ASP.NET Enterprise Manager
  9. R

    Enterprise Manager +

    What are you doing that "actually" requires enterprise manager? why not just see the query analyzer and sql code/system procs? in the transact sql help file all of the system procs should be decribed under: System Stored Procedures/Listed
  10. R

    Movable Type

    Sorry can not help you with MT. But you could give .Text a go, which is based upon .Net and MSSQL, which works perfectly on Jodo.
  11. R

    Location of servers?

    This all sounds good, but is'nt everyone who uses mssql1 going to ask to be moved? so why not just move everyone in one go? Rather than moving a couple at a time?
  12. R

    Image from database

    Scott out of curiosity why are you storing images in the db rather than in the filesystem?
  13. R

    MSSQL connection problem

    To be honest I've never really had speed problems with it, can be a bit laggy on the initial connect but once you are viewing your db it should be fine... You should be able to do most things from the Query Analyzer...
  14. R

    Components on win3

    Why not just import your access db into sql server alter your connection string etc and then see if the same problem still exists? Once you have the database hosted on MSSQL the admins should be able to monitor every single db call via the Profiler tool that comes with MSSQL.
  15. R

    .NET Framework

    I think this only works in IE. Using firefox my weblogs show me as: Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.1;+en-US;+rv:1.6)+Gecko/20040206+Firefox/0.8
  16. R

    SQL server trace.

    I was hoping to use SQL Server Profiler to run a trace on but when logging in via the Profiler I receive an error message saying the following: "In order to run a trace against SQL Server you have to be a member of sysadmin fixed server role" Do Jodo have a web based...
  17. R

    Can I install Movable type under windows package ?

    you could try .Text which is a Blog based on .Net and SQL server...
  18. R

    win1 down?

    Yash, Were the problems related to the issues earlier in the week, or it unrelated? is it now resovled or is a temp fix in place? Cheers Nick
  19. R

    win1 down?

    Can not appear to see at the moment, is it down?
  20. R

    mssql connect

    are you certain that you are using tcp/ip to connect and not named pipes?