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  1. Viper1

    Free Links Directory Script

    I will give you a link to what is currently the best web directory script available. It is the same one that I am using now: php Link Directory They offer both a free and paid version. The paid is only $25 and has many good features so I would suggest that if you want to make a high quality...
  2. Viper1

    Support System Down and Database Access Error

    When trying to submit a reseller support ticket it comes up with the following: ------------------------- Error 403: Forbidden You don't have permissions to access this page. This usually means one of the following: this file and directory permissions make them unavailable from the...
  3. Viper1

    RSS Feeds into a site

    You may want to try this free rss parser: I have use it on several applications and it works well and feeds can be cached to prevent too many server requests. It is in php however but easy to setup.
  4. Viper1

    DNS ns3 and ns4 seem to be down

    My domain had not expired and was still online just the cp was offline and a dns report showed ns1 and ns2 found and active but ns3 and ns4 not responding but the cp is working now. Looks like it got a new ip address. The cp was on ssl before and the ssl did expire and I turned it off so that...
  5. Viper1

    DNS ns3 and ns4 seem to be down

    DNS ns3 and ns4 seem to be down I have an ip of: for ns3 and an ip of: for ns4 Both seem to be down and I submitted a ticket# KQS-76183-156 as I cannot access my cp through my domain name.
  6. Viper1

    Php 5?!

    I also am hoping for php 5.* soon. This is much needed to be updated.
  7. Viper1

    files on web2 changed

    It seems all my sites are running normally again.:D There was problems with pages running php on all of my sites having some of the code snipped and then causing errors and all html pages were changed on one site adding link code to other sites. So anybody who was affected should start...
  8. Viper1

    files on web2 changed

    All my domains running Joomla or any others running php were crashed. Ticket RS #DKW-70146-195 I have managed to restore serveral by uploading new files but my main site is still down from yesterday.
  9. Viper1

    Domain Registration CP's not logging on.

    Yes it was the login at that was not working. Today it is working and logging in but there is an error code warning in IE for the page. But it is working and logging in correctly.
  10. Viper1

    Domain Registration CP's not logging on.

    It seems that there may be a problem in the customer and reseller domain registration cp's not logging into the account that just started at few minutes ago. The login page comes up fine but when adding user name and password and clicking login, the page stalls.
  11. Viper1

    Email and spam filters

    If I understand correctly you just want all spam to go to a folder on the server and not be marked and downloaded to your computer. This could be accomplished by making a new e-mail address ([email protected]) in your control panel and then setting your domain's spam settings to move all...
  12. Viper1

    Free Links Directory Script

    For those who would like a great links directory for their web site I have found a great one "Site Sift Listings" that is available for free download. It uses php and My Sql and makes static links with mod re-write. Good for SEO links. I have also made a free php mod for this directory that...
  13. Viper1

    PHP Designer

    Thanks for the tip. Looks like a nice program for checking and editing code.
  14. Viper1

    Need a specialized CMS

    Joomla should be the best for you. It is also coming out this month with a huge update going to version 1.5 There is a lot of development going on with Joomla now and it should be the best of the best with many new add on components available. Look at for a list of...
  15. Viper1

    Does Anyone Know A Good Company That Handles Merchant/Gateway?

    Hi, I use Paynet Systemsfor the processor and they go through Skipjack for the gateway. It integrates with your reseller control panel and works very well. The gateway fee is $10 a month and Paynets fee is either monthly or a discount for yearly and comes out to something like $150 a year. I...