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  1. F

    How do I create .NET web app on Jodo?

    That's better! I guess that this is something to do with the fact that we cannot create virtual directories on our Jodo web space, whereas when you create a new .NET web app on your local machine (with the VS IDE), it creates a virtual directory for the new app. Excellent - thanks to all...
  2. F

    How do I create .NET web app on Jodo?

    Yes - it contains helloworld.dll. So that would be <account root>\\helloworld\bin\helloworld.dll. Rob.
  3. F

    Nice DB code I use for all my pages.

    A DSN-less connection to a SQL database is faster, quite simply because it bypasses ODBC which must perform translation between the ODBC layer and the provider eg. SQLOLEDB. I use this method in VB and ASP programming, but I'm getting very interested in what ADO.NET can do too, as it provides...
  4. F

    How do I create .NET web app on Jodo?

    I am a real beginner at this (although I'm fairly proficient at standard ASP), but I have been working through Wrox Professional VB.NET 2nd Edition, and have hit the chapter dealing with Web Forms. I've created the simple Hello World example on my local machine (which works fine) and would...
  5. F

    Enterprise Manager registration

    All sorted now. No need to reply. Regards, Rob.
  6. F

    Enterprise Manager registration

    I have two Jodo accounts, both of which have SQL Server databases. Using the server name, username and password details from the H-sphere control panel I have successfully created an alias for the first database and registered it in E/Mgr. When I try the same procedure for the second database it...