Search results

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    My Wish List (features)

    For shared-plans... What about IIS R/W permissions as a File Manager? I'm used to this in other ISP's, w/o sending a ticket and waiting for hours. It would be great to be able to set a dir as an IIS application too,
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    Critical: new LCID server locale

    I need a really critical feature. I'm using a Cyrillic-alphabet language [Bulgarian, LCID=1026] and after setting a Bulgarian language modded SooP at my account [] I'm getting a mangled language display, because of the lack of a proper locale set on the...
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    UNARCHIVE in File Manager?

    I just found the option already exists in the so called WebShell. And supports zip/unzip! Great!
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    UNARCHIVE in File Manager?

    Hello JodoHost, I see the fileman has an ARCHIVE option (gz). Thats pretty cool, but I would like to be able to untar archives too. The reason for this is that uploading a single big file to the server looks faster in situations where the source consists of a myriad of small files and FTPing...