All the Validators(Required field and Regular expression) are working fine on my local machine (not giving any error just not validating data). When I upload on remote server like JodoHost account they just not validating.
I have uploaded simple Password check application to see if its working. Once you enter password and in retype password the message shouls appear "Mismatch Password" on run tim with any post back of button but its not doing that and I need to press button to see the message that means its not validating textbox data.
Anyone please help. Here is page
All the Validators(Required field and Regular expression) are working fine on my local machine (not giving any error just not validating data). When I upload on remote server like JodoHost account they just not validating.
I have uploaded simple Password check application to see if its working. Once you enter password and in retype password the message shouls appear "Mismatch Password" on run tim with any post back of button but its not doing that and I need to press button to see the message that means its not validating textbox data.
Anyone please help. Here is page