Cluster2 Migrations - Updates

CF3 IP migration completed. Control panel will be temporarily available for next few mins, while we work on web7 IP migration preparation.
Edited - web7 IP migration is being redone as Hsphere IP migration scripts seems to have not done it correctly. Control panel is down again.
web7 appears done correctly this time. Please report if any problem is noticed. Control panel is available now.
Those on dedicated IPs on CF3, I am sorry it was my fault, since Parallels ip change scripts didn't work I hand wrote the scripts, and when you input the wrong IP it doesn't work to be online :(

It has been corrected now! I will be sure to triple check this in the future.
IP redirection is done, Win6 is now starting process of creating sites/data.
CP is UP.
final sync and then IP migration starting for web4, web8 & linsd1. Control panel will be stopped shortly
We were having reports that quite a few sites on win5 were having permissions errors and found that the script had skipped over a good amount of users, we are running a repair on these permissions now.
win6 will be starting IP migration in 1-1.5 hours time.

Win4 will start creation process at the same time, we are going to work these in parallel.
win5 is still processing the ip migration scripts, but IP redirector in place and files serving off new server.
IP migration of win6 is completed. Control panel is available for 1.5 hours now.
We've tried to keep the control panel up as much as possible today but will in the next hours need it down again. Right now in prep for that, CF2 FTP is stopped, Win4 FTP is stopped, Win1 FTP is stopped, and possibly win8 FTP will stop in a short while.