Connecting to MySQL table


I've got a MySQL database created. I can successfully connect to it with a simple query to SHOW TABLES;

When I run this query, I see all of the tables in the database.

When I try to query a table, I receive an error that the table does not exist (it does).

I'm connecting via ColdFusion on CF3/MySQL8

Here you can see a dump of the tables:

Here you can see where I cannot connect:

the query is:

<cfquery name="eventQuery" datasource="#application.dsn#" >
FROM ukEvent

Anyone got any ideas? Why can I not connect to this table??? SHOW TABLES does work, and does show that this table exists....
Are you running your local DB on a Windows machine? JH MySQL servers are running Linux, which is always case sensitive. So your SQL statements need to be case sensitive.

I've found it best practice just to consider everything case sensitive. That way if you ever move something from a Windows to a Linux environment, you won't get any surprises.
That is exactly the issue. Thanks for the reply.

For my getting-too-old-for-coding eyes, a table name like this:


is much easier to read :) A habit I need to break, I know!