I've got a MySQL database created. I can successfully connect to it with a simple query to SHOW TABLES;
When I run this query, I see all of the tables in the database.
When I try to query a table, I receive an error that the table does not exist (it does).
I'm connecting via ColdFusion on CF3/MySQL8
Here you can see a dump of the tables:
Here you can see where I cannot connect:
the query is:
<cfquery name="eventQuery" datasource="#application.dsn#" >
FROM ukEvent
Anyone got any ideas? Why can I not connect to this table??? SHOW TABLES does work, and does show that this table exists....
When I run this query, I see all of the tables in the database.
When I try to query a table, I receive an error that the table does not exist (it does).
I'm connecting via ColdFusion on CF3/MySQL8
Here you can see a dump of the tables:
Here you can see where I cannot connect:
the query is:
<cfquery name="eventQuery" datasource="#application.dsn#" >
FROM ukEvent
Anyone got any ideas? Why can I not connect to this table??? SHOW TABLES does work, and does show that this table exists....