Log file question

Thanks! The 8 MB zip is a big improvement of the original. I'll see what affect, if any, that's had on my stats. If there seems to be a problem that I can't live with I'll let you know.
Dave said:
Thanks! The 8 MB zip is a big improvement of the original. I'll see what affect, if any, that's had on my stats. If there seems to be a problem that I can't live with I'll let you know.

OK, so I read through this thread, and I'm in a similar situation. I turned on AWStats on May 14, and it has been collecting stats since. My archive file is now 552M.

Here's the funny part. According to HSphere, my last day's disk usage is 270M, so I'm wondering if HSphere doesn't count the contents of the AWStats directory as part of your disk usage.

The other odd thing is that the archive file was last touched today, so it's not so much an archive is it, if it's still being used? I have other files including an awstats062004.domain.txt file that was also touched today.

If this large archive file isn't causing a problem for JH, I'd like to keep it until at least Jun 14, and see what happens. If this is a problem, then JH is welcome to contact me to discuss options.
Well, I'm glad SOMEONE else has noticed the same problem. All this time it seemed to be only me.

What I think is happening is the AWStats log file is appended to this archive once every day. I seemed to notice that mine was growing by about 8 MB a day.

I don't think the file is a problem for JH per se, as it is on your website, taking up your webspace. You are paying to store this file, and will presumably have to pay extra if you go over your plan's disk space limit.