Php 5?!

Hi Lazy

Since this a new product, we'd like to wait for at least a month and see other Hsphere host's experiences with it
Yash -- Will Jodo make an announcement if they decide to add PHP5? If you are looking for feedback, count me for 1 vote. I would like to use it!

It will need to be proven stable first, as a rule .0 and sometimes .1 releases are buggy, things get better as they age. I am expecing to see a numer of bugs resolved in the next month, and it MIGHT be an option after that time.
I am also waiting for it. Do make an anouncement as soon as it is here and try to make it ASAP, I am counting on you people. It's part of my next project.

I beg you Yash, please, if you plan to upgrade to PHP 5, please communicate us before doing it, for I'm using a software not compliant to PHP5 yet.
No plans now, and even if it is offered in the next 2 months it will be a side by side install.
hi guys are do plan to use more xml in your codes? if not php4 is still ok. I use xml alot in creating reports generated by coldfusion (cfchart currenlty down in jodohost)

im also newbie in php, i use php4 on freebsd 5.3
I run PHP 5 on a couple of sites. It has some cool features, but I really think PHP 4 is much more stable and efficient at this point. It would be good if we could at least be able to run as cgi. I think that is probably possible right now on Jodohost in the VDS environment (root access).
You don't want to even know the last reply I saw when this came up at psoft, it was however said there that it will be 1+ years before this will be "needed"

Not sure I agree, but 4 to 5 is a big step right now for sure.
Having read a decent number of posts on the request for PHP 5, I am only seeing bits and pieces and just a lot of "No" or "Not yet".

PHP 5.0.0 was released on July 13th, 2004. Since then, PHP has been upgraded and patched to PHP 5.1.1 (November 28th, 2005) over the course of the last 16+ months.

With the introduction of ASP.NET 2.0 into full production use on JodoHost servers... When will JodoHost give the same attention to PHP 5, and introduce PHP 5.1.1 (or newer) into full production as well?

If JodoHost is not ready/able at this time to introduce PHP 5.1.1+ into full production use as well, what are the reasons supporting that decision?

Also, if there is indeed an issue with Hsphere not supporting PHP 5. Has Jodohost officially requested development of support for PHP 5 into Psoft's next version of Hsphere?

I've tried contacting Psoft myself, but I found that the sales person that responded to my email was short, inspecific, and deflective of any inquiries regarding supported features of Hsphere, despite the fact that the web site mentions virtually nothing of PHP 5, or PHP 4 support for Hsphere.
Please add my vote for PHP5 :thumb:

(not that psoft will give a rip what a few programmers like me want).

We're now living in February 2006 and still no PHP5. I'm interested in adopting auracle support software which stipulates its requirements at

I ran their pre-test with the following results:
PHP Server
- Version PHP version 4.4.1 is too low, PHP5 required.
- mySQL support Ok!
- compiled as CLI Ok!
- mcrypt functions Ok!
- libxml libXML support was either not found, or not activated this is a required component
- PECL Mailparse mailparse not available!
- FOpen permission Ok!
- Sessions Ok!
- Versioning Check You must recompile PHP without --enable-versioning. This value cannot be used in parallel with Zend Optimizer.
- Track Var Check You must recompile PHP without --enable-track-vars. This value cannot be used in parallel with Zend Optimizer.
Server Environment
- mySQL server The installed mySQL server does not meet requirements (4.1+)
- Zend Optimizer Ok!

So some things thus need updating?!

Looking forward to your reply.(By the way I know you'd major problems initially but quite some time has passed.....)