Having read a decent number of posts on the request for PHP 5, I am only seeing bits and pieces and just a lot of "No" or "Not yet".
PHP 5.0.0 was released on July 13th, 2004. Since then, PHP has been upgraded and patched to PHP 5.1.1 (November 28th, 2005) over the course of the last 16+ months.
With the introduction of ASP.NET 2.0 into full production use on JodoHost servers... When will JodoHost give the same attention to PHP 5, and introduce PHP 5.1.1 (or newer) into full production as well?
If JodoHost is not ready/able at this time to introduce PHP 5.1.1+ into full production use as well, what are the reasons supporting that decision?
Also, if there is indeed an issue with Hsphere not supporting PHP 5. Has Jodohost officially requested development of support for PHP 5 into Psoft's next version of Hsphere?
I've tried contacting Psoft myself, but I found that the sales person that responded to my email was short, inspecific, and deflective of any inquiries regarding supported features of Hsphere, despite the fact that the psoft.net web site mentions virtually nothing of PHP 5, or PHP 4 support for Hsphere.