Andrew Karem
Greetings. I have heard nothing but praise from my associates about Jodohost as a web host, and was considering obtaining one of your shared or VPS plans for my organization with the intent of migrating its website. First, however, I had a few questions I hoped could be answered.
1) Unimpeded e-mail traffic is crucial to the healthy operation of our organization. For instance, we have many scripts that operate as mini-mailing lists of sorts. Are there any restrictions on either the VPS or shared accounts with regards to the amount of permitted outgoing mail? I know, for instance, that a previous host of ours disabled mail messages after a certain point.
2) I work on behalf of an organization that advocates for children. Do you offer any type of discount or package for non-profit organizations?
3) This is going to sound like a really foolish question, but are disk-backups included in the allowable disk space per plan?
Thank you for your time,
1) Unimpeded e-mail traffic is crucial to the healthy operation of our organization. For instance, we have many scripts that operate as mini-mailing lists of sorts. Are there any restrictions on either the VPS or shared accounts with regards to the amount of permitted outgoing mail? I know, for instance, that a previous host of ours disabled mail messages after a certain point.
2) I work on behalf of an organization that advocates for children. Do you offer any type of discount or package for non-profit organizations?
3) This is going to sound like a really foolish question, but are disk-backups included in the allowable disk space per plan?
Thank you for your time,