Amazing! The number of quick replies from Yash is going down while the number of queries are increasing.
It seems that jodohost is currently having a severe capacity problem. No new domains, shutting down well utilised sites, etc. The sites I host with jodohost have limited traffic (Traffic since Oct 24, 2003 - 17 Nov 2003 is 292.1 MB out of 10.0 GB limit) so I'm possibly regarded as an ideal customer. However, I'm concerned at the jodohost website's why us section at under "superior hardware" it states that
"..We ensure that our servers are always running below capacity. Sites requiring high resources are shifted to less used servers on a regular basis by our staff..."
This obviously will be interpreted that you can handle capacity issues and would do what Hawkeye suggests move high capacity users like him to less used servers. I guess that the problem is that all your servers are up to capacity and thus don't allow for those necessary shifts.
You also state under "superior service" that "We offer great services such as Microsoft SQL Server..." Also from the customer testimonials at it transpires that MS SQL Server is a major attraction point, meanwhile you seem to close down sites that interact frequently with those databases (especially discussion forums/portal sites) blaming your customers to have such interactive sites.
The latter is my major concern, it seems that as long as you have a static website (which also doesn't have big files for download) you'll be ok with any plan, as soon as you make a more dynamic site, especially with discussion forums, the servers do not seem up to scratch irrespective of package size, which as "Bliss" pointed out in this thread should be made clear in the package descriptions, ie "acceptable processor usage estimate".
Although I've problems with backing up my SQL database on my "real" site (test site based on ASP Invision Portal beta 3.6) with more than 100 interactive users hosted by I'm glad that in the end I didn't transfer this account to jodohost, as I fear that once it would go "final" jodohost would close it down, being an interactive database driven website.
Finally I've advocated jodohost on the ASP Invision Forums (so has Bliss) and I recognise quite a number of names in this forum, including of course Drew Gauderman, ASP Invision CEO. I'm surprised that if indeed Asp Invision Portal was/is the problem that this does not seem to have been discussed with Drew, who since recently is member of the jodohost forums team. This affects two businesses, Jodohost and Asp Invision and more importantly the businesses of quite a number of customers of both suppliers.
The decent thing to do is either make transparent that you actually do not like to host dynamic, database driven, interactive sites (often using portal software PHP, ASP and ASP.NET portals) or that you try to enhance your capacity to deal with those sites and when problematic portals are identified try to resolve the problems with your customers first before sending them away. The latter is a very insulting activity as I can imagine that some of your customers might feel prosecuted like criminals while in reality they probably didn't know they were "bringing the server down" as their bandwith and diskspace allowances were not met and no "cpu usage meter" is available.
In legal terms it seems that your customers can be found guilty, charged and sentenced without any warning, defence or probation. However excellent your customer service has been this is a serious flaw that you must rethink if you don't want to jeopardise your business. I also sincerely hope that in the end jodohost proves to be a serious business and not a "scam". I don't like to use the word "scam", but I increasingly feel that customers were drawn into competitive packages (which changed, but still are competitive) that ultimately can't be serviced to their demand. In PR terms this is negatively associated with "overpromise but underdelivery, and all spin but no substance".
Please show us that we can trust you to care for our business as well by not immediately closing down sites, but by contacting the customer and discuss a remedy (ie not sending them away, but constructive advise). Taking away the possibility to run discussion forums should be clearly stated in your packages (ie we don't allow portal sites on our servers).