Hey, it's me again, rookie ASP.
I'm a bit baffled by this error. here is the code:
Now, I only get this error on the first attempt to create the database object,
I'm sure you ASP/Database people will be able to see right thru this.
I'm a bit baffled by this error. here is the code:
bidSQL = "SELECT bidId FROM tblAPBids WHERE bidAucId = " & SQLVal(lAucID) & " AND bidbidderId = " & SQLVAL(glUserID)
If FVal(giDBType) = 1 Then
Set rsBidder = Server.CreateObject("ADOBD.Recordset")
rsBidder.CursorLocation = 3
rsBidder.Open bidSQL, gobjConnect, 3, 1, &H0001 'adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
Set rsBidder = gobjConnect.Execute(bidSQL)
End If
'End if
'BACode: End SQL
sSQL = " SELECT aucID, aucBidCounts, aucEmailNotice, aucOwner, aucCatID, aucType, " & _
" aucShowBold, aucShowFeatured, aucShowInGallery, aucShowInPremiere, aucAvailable, " & _
" aucClose, aucStartingBid, aucFlashBuy, aucReserve, aucBidIncrement, aucBarterOffers," & _
" aucCurrentBid, aucCurrentBidID, aucCurrentBidder, aucProxyBid, aucIconName, " & _
" aucPaymentBmv, aucShipCostBmv, aucShipCostAmt, aucShipLimitsBmv, aucShipViaBmv, aucEscrowBmv, " & _
" aucQuantity, aucOrigQuantity, aucTitle, aucIMGFlag, aucImageURL, aucRegionID, aucLocation, " & _
" aucSuccess, aucRelisted, aucURL, aucViewCount, aucSerialNo, aucPartNo, aucProductCode, aucReferenceNo, aucThumbnail, " & _
" icnID, icnDescription, icnFileName," & _
" regID, regUserName, regFullName, regEnabled, regCreated, regEmail, regHasProfile, " & _
" aucDescription" & _
" FROM (tblAPAuctions " & _
" LEFT JOIN tblAPIcons ON tblAPAuctions.aucIconName = tblAPIcons.icnID) " & _
" LEFT JOIN tblXUDUserRegistration ON tblAPAuctions.aucOwner = tblXUDUserRegistration.regID " & _
" WHERE aucID = " & SQLVal(lAucID) & _
" AND NOT aucStaged = " & SQLBool("Y")
If FVal(giDBType) = 1 Then
Set rsAuction = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsAuction.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
rsAuction.Open sSQL, gobjConnect, 3, 1, &H0001 'adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
Set rsAuction = gobjConnect.Execute(sSQL)
End If
Now, I only get this error on the first attempt to create the database object,
, but not the second. If I take out the first database call, the second one runs perfectly.set rsbidder = Server.Create...
I'm sure you ASP/Database people will be able to see right thru this.