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  1. hatton

    My Experience this last week...

    Agreed - communication that you don't want to hear is better than no communication at all!
  2. hatton

    Uploading large files limitations CFFILE Jodo

    Regardless of the language you use this does not seem like a task for a web application. 50 Mb is a LARGE file to transfer, even for a high speed or leased line connection. My honest suggestion would be to create an FTP directory that would have a subaccount for clients to log in and upload...
  3. hatton

    cfx_image (can jodohost add?)

    Thanks for the update! So to answer the other gent's question - if the tag is needed for an account on any of the other Win servers then another ticket will need to be submitted for it.
  4. hatton

    cfx_image (can jodohost add?)

    Not sure how JodoHost installed it - whether it was installed on all of the Win servers or only on the Win server that the ticket was submitted on. Any insight, Yash? CFX DLL's are not user/account specific so if it is installed on a server all users will be able to access it.
  5. hatton

    Why is every page an Untitled Document? The menu is a little confusing, especially with the different color for the forum versus the rest of the text options. Interesting concept - just needs some tweaking on the interface.
  6. hatton

    HELP - Using fusebox

    You mention that this is a part of the FB Core - have you posted this question on or any other FB based site? I'm no FB expert - just got Jeff Peter's book on FB4 and saw a demo, looks sharp but I haven't played with it at all. To aid in troubleshooting I would suggest making the...
  7. hatton

    Spammers getting private email addresses from Jodohost servers

    While not the same thing I've been getting spam for some time now sent to: [email protected]**** [email protected]**** The first is my domain, the second is the JH mail server. These are always spam messages. Is there a way to stop this traffic from...
  8. hatton

    HELP - Using fusebox

    Shot in the dark here but it looks like you're using a reserved keyword in the CFLoop - try changing the index variable name that you're using from "file" to something else.
  9. hatton


    Why not go into the database and adjust the date/time stamp on the offending posts... Would be one or two SQL statements and fix the issue without deleting the offending posts. Hatton
  10. hatton


    First off, check your CFApplicaiton tag - there's the issue of the registry access that I've mentioned before in a different post: Remove the cookie set for the CFID and CFToken valus but make the changes I mention in that post and see if...
  11. hatton

    Remote connection to MSSQL

    This is even more true with MSSQL1, which has reached Jodohost's limit for databases.
  12. hatton

    DreamweaverMX datasource RDS ColdFusionMX

    The folks at are entirely correct. RDS is a MASSIVE security hole, especially for a shared hosting environment. It does not take into account any kind of permissions for files and allows a user that is logged in to see the entire directory tree for the entire server. That is...
  13. hatton

    Port #s on DB servers - do they change?

    I was able to connect to the JodoHost servers without making any changes to the default settings for ports.
  14. hatton

    Eric Clapton

    Bored again I see :rolleyes:
  15. hatton

    DreamweaverMX datasource RDS ColdFusionMX

    This is not an uncommon thing (to have RDS services disabled on a production environment). First of all, let me ask a question - do you have a "local" box that you are using as a test server or are you simply writing code and uploading it to the host? In an ideal environment you should have...
  16. hatton

    Convert from Windows Hosting to Reseller

    Just as an addition to what Yash has said - you will need an alternate domain to use as a "service" domain. I just went through this process and it was a relatively painless process.
  17. hatton

    VPS issues

    The problem was that I could not create the account without a domain name. I submitted a ticket asking about this and was informed on the ticket that I had to have a clean domain name to set up my VPS account.
  18. hatton

    VPS issues

    Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad - submitted a ticket on the issue, turns out there was... So at least now it's up and running!
  19. hatton

    VPS issues

    Well, after much frustration I finally got a VPS account working with my reseller plan... though not in the way that I wanted to. Some time back I had asked if it was possible for a domain to be a windows host ( and have a subdomain of that be a VPS host (
  20. hatton

    Knowlege Base Template

    Is there a series of knowledge base templates that we can upload into our user control panels? Thanks!