Search results

  1. N

    You are unable to control your Virtual Private Server yet..

    I'm new to reselling and new to VPS so please bear with me. I set-up a new VPS account 10 days ago but when I login to the new account the response is: Info: You are unable to control your Virtual Private Server yet.. Since VPS creation is a time- and resource-consuming procedure, VPS is...
  2. N

    reseller bandwidth & databases

    Stephen et al if I were to sign up for a reseller account with say, 5GB disk space and 80GB bandwidth... can I split the disk space and bandwidth as I please? e.g. if a client wishes to use 3GB disk space and wants 48GB bandwidth, and then I sell the rest to another 2 clients at 1GB...
  3. N

    Web server filesystem - database connectivity

    If I were to signup... How are your web servers and SQL Servers routed? Can I expect a high speed, secure connection between the web server and sql server? If I were to allow uploads to certain sections of my site, can I pull this data from the uploaded filesystem directly in SQL Server...
  4. N

    SQL Server DTS

    If I were to sign up... Do I have full access to Data Transformation Services on SQL Server? If so, are these DTS packages protected within my user account or may other member of the same server, although not the same database, view these packages? May I use CDOSYS services, called from...