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  1. T

    I am so frustrated

    honestly I appreciate your help I do. I am a bit desparate ;). Perhaps I am trying to run an application that the server specs just are not well enough for it I think the PHP version should be 5.3 for one thing...and it's a PHP app not .net...can I migrate this over to linux and get php 5.3...
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    I am so frustrated

    can you set my virtual directory to display detailed errors instead of friendly errors?
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    I am so frustrated

    and given all that I am still putting time into troubleshooting the coding but I am taking stabs in the dark too because you also refuse to allow me to see the http errors returned by the web server.
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    I am so frustrated

    It is not working because mysql dies if more than 15 users connect at once. pconnect is set to false. the php error log indicates it's always a connect that fails before a close. in mysql the threads slow to a crawl and stop responding. Is this a problem with the mysqli driver and php? I...
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    I am so frustrated

    I really have been running in circles on this issue for well over a week!
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    I am so frustrated

    yes and again I got a response to my ticket: "There is something in code which is causing the issue, we request you to please check. and php is working for the moodle directory as well and info.php page is processing from the mooodle directory. Please...
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    I am so frustrated

    I don't really know how you do it here. IIS generates errors. They can be logged into a text file, db or into event viewer logs. And then IIS gets set to send friendly error messages to browsers because you don't want every dork on the internet knowing your details. Well I need to see what...
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    I am so frustrated

    I have asked several times for information from IIS error logs and the only response is for me to replicate the issue. Well I can't because I don't know what the issue is because it's my users and I need to see the error logs to troubleshoot the problem. Why is there no way to see the detailed...
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    Finding mysql

    On the resources page of the plan it's enabled. Is there somewhere else that I am missing?
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    Finding mysql

    Thank you. I did check that and saw it. It makes sense I'll look into it some more to make sure that part is right.
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    Finding mysql

    Can anyone instruct me how to get a mysql db going on a windows shared hosting plan? I guess I have to do this to run moodle but never did and don't see where the db server is or phpmyadmin or some administration tool.
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    Sql Client Tools?

    If you are developing MSSQL on jodo servers what client tools do you use? I use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio but they said it won't work here and pointed me to some other tool which also doesn't work here. I'm wondering what other people were doing.
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    SQL Transaction log

    are you doing a lot of inserts and deletes? If you are removing large numbers of records using delete try using truncate and bulk insert instead. back up your database more often.
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    MSSQL2005 Mngmt Studio question..

    why don't you just add the role dbo to your user?
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    MSSQL manager error

    it's silly and an inconvenience for everyone that has to wait to download all that metadata.
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    MSSQL manager error

    why would they do that?
  17. T

    smtp relay

    Tanmaya, Thank you for the assistance and dilligence in this matter. I think I have everything working but am still doing some testing. I'll update the support ticket associated with this within the next 24 hours.
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    smtp relay

    the problem I'm having is the mail always originates from my ip and it's getting blocked for a couple different reasons associated with it being dynamic.
  19. T

    smtp relay

    is there any way to safely set up an exchange server behind a dynamic ip address and route the outgoing mail through a jodo server account so it doesn't get bounced back? do lets say I have hosted on jodo server that uses and I would like all outgoing mail...
  20. T

    viewstate error

    can you articulate the security concerns with this solution?