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  1. Scotty_32

    Adding include files to an ASP script

    why dont you PM me your site (with the include in) and i'll see wots wrong wit it, and PM (or post here) the answer as it might be a matter of conflict between the forum and ads system (eg the ads system isnt designed to be included)
  2. Scotty_32

    Adding include files to an ASP script

    <!---#include file="../ads/adfile.asp"---> or <!---#include virtual="/ads/adfile.asp"---> the above prosumes you have it as - (or wot ever) - (change to wot ever)
  3. Scotty_32

    Please review our forum website

    isnt that the default skin? how can i review a default forum? it seems your only trying to attract traffic, which is a shame really bye
  4. Scotty_32

    RoundCube Webmail

    it just displays: The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because the page address is incorrect. Please try the following: * If you typed the page address in the Address bar, check that it is entered correctly. * Open the ***** home page and then...
  5. Scotty_32

    RoundCube Webmail

    just checked the and yes its that file right by the top, like 2/3 down set "auto_create_user" to true and people should be able to use your service if that doesnt solve it, then urr i aint a clue. you could PM me the link to your webmail and i could give it a look
  6. Scotty_32

    RoundCube Webmail

    being a long time Win5 user, i imediately thought they'd be negative lol. but by the smiley am guessing its good? i look forward to seeing the announcement and if it helps - the error i get is a 404 styled page saying: "HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed" - thats AFTER i enter details TO login
  7. Scotty_32

    RoundCube Webmail

    night_day, you should beable to allow anyone with your domain name to login, infact i think you can let anyone with a pop email login, if it shows the box for the server. ive forgotten all the settings, but from what i remember i think you had 3 options, lock all accounts into using one mail...
  8. Scotty_32

    i remember somebody releasing a copy of jodopulse it basically loaded jodos page but filters out stuff and replaced with your own. sorry i had a good look around but cant find it there was two released and i could only find my copy of the first: if you...
  9. Scotty_32

    helpdesk spam/virus problem?

    ive been getting this too its pritty strange
  10. Scotty_32

    Hey, Please check out It's a new website which aims to provide detailed positive up to date local information for the UK. It has News, Reviews, Photos, Trivia and Opinions for each and every town and village in the UK. Users can submit their own material and post their...
  11. Scotty_32

    SharedSSL, and paypal

    am not 100% sure, but isnt Paypal Pro and both pritty much the same neither need your visitor to exit your site, as its all done behind the scenes using a component on the server by reading your post liming it sounds like your confusing Paypal Pro and Paypal IPN, which are...
  12. Scotty_32

    US President George W. Bush in New Delhi

    oops i read that as :(
  13. Scotty_32

    Best print service for art images web site?

    i thought cafepress did what Aricaur does, you set a price and they give you the difference, eg cafepress sell the item to you for say $5 then you can sell it for $6 making $1 on each sale (or $2 if you set it to $7) and if you pay for the service you get to customise your store front.
  14. Scotty_32

    Problem with VBScript Email Form

    an unauthenticated email will go to any emails hosted on jodo so say you sent an email from "[email protected]" to "[email protected]" it would send fine but if you sent an email from "[email protected]" to "[email protected]" then it wouldnt send
  15. Scotty_32

    DirectI Reseller Option

    if your a directi customer you can get a "nicer" looking controlpanal i think its *yourname* BUT, it kinda (last i checked) doesnt listen to what services you "activate", so if your a jodo reseller, and use "supersite" you cant get rid of DirectI Hosting or that...
  16. Scotty_32

    Prevent duplicate email in ASP

    WebWizForum has a function to format the Strings for example, a line of the function: strInputEntry = Replace(strInputEntry, "select", "select", 1, -1, 1) which pritty much stops people using "select" as i doubt the database will see Select with the character changed, and will think its...
  17. Scotty_32

    Prevent duplicate email in ASP

    to start with theres a problem with the red part it should look like: strSQL = "SELECT email FROM Advertisers where email='" & Request.Form("email") & "';" i highlighted in green what you missed also, id advise adding some security as a hacker could hack your site quite easily by doing a SQL...
  18. Scotty_32

    Redirection Problem

    if you are using a Windows server you will need to add index.php to the Directory Index sorry if am mixing you up with someone else, (but if you are who i think you are then..) ... you need to do what i said to do to get RoundCube working it sounds like you want to show...
  19. Scotty_32

    Custom hsphere login page

    someone posted a AJax custom login a while back that could tell the user wether their password was correct or not not sure if they made it publicly availible or not, but you could contact them (do a search in the forums for it)
  20. Scotty_32

    ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Tables

    have you requested that your site be upgraded to .net 2 as it isnt done automatically, and i dont think its availible on all servers