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  1. J

    Server Time?

    I am curious as to how I can set the time on my website to be that of my local time. Right now, it says 4:30 am, which I am not sure if that is Australian time. how can I get that Indiana time? Thanks
  2. J

    Custom 404 page

    How do I setup a custom 404 page for my coldfusion sites? Thanks Bryan
  3. J

    AWstats - blocking IP addresses

    Is there a way in Awstats to block my computer from being logged, like blocking my ipaddress from showing a hit count or visit. I know does this, but if I am working on my site all the time, I don't want it thinking I am a new visitor each time I visit, I want it to...
  4. J

    Other domains and a windows package

    Thanks Define Busy :) 100's at a time, or 1000's.
  5. J

    FTP via WS_FTP PRO

    Thanks, I might give it a shot. Thing is, WS_FTP PRO is one of the best, and the fact that I am having these issues kinda sucks. I would probably have to re-create ALL my connections.
  6. J

    FTP via WS_FTP PRO

    When I connect to my sites via WS_FTP PRO, sometimes certain things won't work. For example, I can't just delete a folder, I have to access the folder, delete the contents, and then I can delete the folder. I can't cut and paste items from 1 folder to another, I have to re-upload particular...
  7. J

    Other domains and a windows package

    What I am trying to figure out, though, is the storage space + will I see a leak in performance doing this. My current mysql database for my gamecube site is a decent size. I have over 600 + cheats in the database as well as information for 200+ games. I am sure the movable type blog I am...
  8. J

    Other domains and a windows package

    table prefixes like mt_blah mt_blah2 gc_yada gc_yada2 ??
  9. J

    Other domains and a windows package

    Actually, then, its probably in my best interest since I currently have the 6.95 package to just add my domain to that one (since I am allowed 3), and then just see how my resources are. The one issue is that both my juicedthoughts and my current sites would be sharing the...
  10. J

    Other domains and a windows package

    cool :)
  11. J

    Other domains and a windows package

    So essentially, if I had 6 domains, they would all be sharing the 10 gb, 2 databases, and such that I would have with that package?
  12. J

    Other domains and a windows package

    Just curious about something. The 13 buck windows package says it supports 6 domains. What do that exactly mean? I have multiple domains registered with Does that mean that they would be hosted under my 13 dollar plan, but as subdomains? How would that work, I am just...
  13. J

    MovableType + 2 databases? Needed?

    I am curious about something, and its because I am bouncing between the 6.95 a month windows plan and the 13/month windows plan. Am I able to run my main site and a possible sub domain using Movable Type and 1 database? Or would I need to have 2 databases? Any help would be great...
  14. J

    Thats it Yash, how do you do it?

    Ok, I am done messing around, how does Jodohost offer great support, live chat, all the possible features you could possibly want (for shared support anyways), and still offer 400 mb for space and 10 gb bandwidth for 13 bucks a month? I know you saw my post at Sitepoint and I was seriously...
  15. J

    Coldfusion + Email

    ok, I created a new email address called [email protected] and forwarded it to my clients email address. I then changed the from="" in my form to from="[email protected]" However, this did not work. I still have yet to receive the emails I submitted from the website.
  16. J

    Coldfusion + Email

    hmmm, well the FROM is suppose to be what the person types in as their email address.
  17. J

    Coldfusion + Email

    I also want to mention that I use NO servername or user/pass Here is my code <CFMAIL to="[email protected]" cc="#emailaddress.emailaddress#;" from="" subject="Custom Basket request" type="html"> Thanks Bryan
  18. J

    Coldfusion + Email

    I am using CFMAIL on my website and it seems that either a. The emails send very slow, I often don't get them for 10 minutes b. They don't send at all. Is there a configuration issue that needs to be fixed or anything of that nature. Thanks Bryan
  19. J

    Anyone get AWstats to work yet?

    I am in the process of trying to set it up. Its a slow process for me. I enabled CGI-BIN, added .cgi and .pl as extensions. Uploaded the awstats directory. Then went to tools/ in my url bar of the site (i.e, Except it just...
  20. J

    Movable Type

    and you are trying to do this on Jodohost's wimdows server? See, they have the mysql db module installed, so I don't know why it wouldn't work for you.